
Not sure which course is right for you?

We’d love to help! Check out the comparison chart below for a quick overview of what’s included in each option or send us a message!

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The VIP Membership

Love everything Ink and Pine and want unlimited access

Want to dive into all the courses + start making big changes

You want to surround yourself with like minded indivudlas who are on a smiliar journey

A yearly membership with unlimited access to everything Ink and Pine, including Simply Magic Lifestyle Resources, Digital Planners, Sticker Kits, Courses + more!

the Simply Magic Program

Tired of feeling overwhelmed by your never-ending to-do list

You prefer a self-paced approach to learning

You want to learn how manage your time, energy + resources well so you can spend more time doing what you love

A go-at-your-own-pace course designed to break down the Simply Magic Lifestyle Program into easy to digest, bite-size pieces that meets you where you are at so you can make the big changes you’re looking for.

The No Excuses Workshop

Need help getting clear on your goals and finding some direction

You prefer a more hands on, group coaching experience

You want to set meaningful goals that you can actually follow through with

A 10-week course-style workshop with a LIVE group coaching experience. This is your chance to get all of your questions answered on implementing the Simply Magic Lifestyle Program into your life.


The Simply Magic Lifestyle Guidebook

Tired of feeling lost when it comes to managing your time + energy

You prefer a self-paced no fluff approach to learning

You want to learn actionable steps to creating a calm + productive lifestyle without sacrificing the things that matter

Our signature guidebook that forms the backbone of our Simply Magic Lifestyle philosophy. Get actionable, step by step instructions on how to implement the Simply Magic Lifestyle Framework into your life.

 The Complete Goodnotes Master Course

You're looking to take the leap from paper planning to digital planning

You prefer a self-paced approach to learning

You want to know all the options for using the Goodnotes app and digital planning

A self-paced course designed to show you everything - from the basics to the advanced - you need to know to use Goodnotes to organize your entire life - digitally!